President Obama's Hawaii vacation:


KANEOHE BAY, Hawaii (AP) — How President Barack Obama spent the fourth day of his holiday vacation in Hawaii on Tuesday:
— MORNING WORKOUT — For the second day in a row, the president headed to the gym at Marine Corps Base Hawaii in Kaneohe Bay for some early exercise under cool, gray skies.
— SALUTING SONY — A spokesman for Obama said the president applauded Sony Pictures Entertainment's decision to screen its film "The Interview" in a limited number of theaters Christmas Day. The comedy had prompted an international incident with North Korea and outrage over its previously canceled release.
— GONE GOLFING — After stopping at his Kailua vacation home, Obama headed back to Marine Corps Base Hawaii for a popular vacation pastime: golf. He played with friends Greg Orme, Bobby Titcomb and Joe Paulsen, according to the White House. As the motorcade left Kailua, a woman holding a small white dog held up a T-shirt emblazoned with a red heart and the words "Obama Girl."
— SCENIC HIKE — With the sun finally shining, Obama went for a hike with daughter Malia Obama and friends. They climbed Makapuu Point Lighthouse Trail, which offers sweeping views of Oahu's mountainous windward coast and offshore islands. On a clear day, it's possible to see the neighbor islands Molokai and Lanai from the trail.
— BEST WISHES TO BUSH — As Obama returned to his vacation home in the late afternoon, a spokesman said the president was made aware that former President George H.W. Bush was admitted to a Houston hospital after experiencing shortness of breath. "President Obama and the first lady send their good wishes to the former president and the entire Bush family during this holiday season," spokesman Eric Schultz said.
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