Over 30 People Killed In Three Baghdad Bombings

A member of the Iraqi security forces walks past the site of a bomb attack in Baghdad 

At least 34 people have been killed and 50 injured in three bomb attacks in Baghdad.
The blasts came hours before the government was due to lift a decade-old night-time curfew on the Iraqi capital.

In one of the deadliest attacks to hit the capital in months a suicide bomber detonated his explosive belt inside a restaurant in the Shi'ite neighbourhood of New Baghdad leaving 22 dead
Ten people were also killed when two bombs ripped through the Sharqa market district, and another  bomb killed two people in the Shi'ite section of Abu Sheir in the Dura neighbourhood, police said.

A policeman stands guard at a checkpoint in Baghdad
No-one has claimed responsibility for the attacks though suicide bombings in Iraq are almost exclusively carried out by Sunni extremists, including Islamic State militants.
Interior ministry spokesman Brigadier General Saad Maan said he did not believe the attacks were linked to the decision to end the curfew, announced on Thursday.
As attacks are usually carried out during the day or early evening when most people are out, the curfew has little impact on bomb attacks.

Some Baghdad residents welcomed the decision to lift the curfew for the increased freedom of movement it brings, but others are worried it could allow criminals and militias to step up attacks.
The move to "demilitarise" four neighbourhoods in Baghdad announced at the same time is part of a campaign to normalise life in the city and persuade residents they no longer face a threat from Islamic State.
The militant group seized large parts of the north and west of the country last year and have threatened to move on to the capital.

However the city has remained relatively calm and attacks by extremists have fallen considerably since the sectarian blood-letting of 2006 and 2007.
There has been some form of curfew in Baghdad since the US-led invasion to topple Saddam Hussein in 2003.
The present curfew, which will end at midnight on Saturday, has been in place for more than seven years.

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