France: Greece has no time left

French president Francois Hollande has urged Greece and its international creditors to speed up talks on new loans for the country, as a default would affect the entire continent.
With decisive talks dragging on for days, Mr Hollande said that “when Greece, Europe, the eurozone is at stake, we have to know how to finish negotiations”.

He said as he entered a summit of EU leaders today: “There is nothing to gain by letting time go by. I think Greece has none left.”
The leaders were meant to rubber-stamp any deal on Greece, but an agreement remains elusive.
Meanwhile, Enda Kenny has ruled out any support for a deal to write off some of Greece's national debt.
The Taoiseach said Ireland had shown it is possible to get out of recession without having to raise income taxes and other taxes.
As he arrived at the crucial summit of EU leaders in Brussels, he said Ireland would not support any proposal to relieve Greek debts.
A separate meeting of Eurozone finance ministers has been suspended while Greece continues talks with the Troika about accessing the last of its bailout loans.
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