Five Common Causes Of Hair Loss


Hair loss is not something new, it happens to everyone. It could happen when taking your bath in the early morning shower; it could be when you are brushing your hair just having a normal blow-out.
It would shock you to realize that humans lose hair daily in large quantity. “On average, we lose fifty to a hundred hairs a day,” says Francesca Fusco, MD, a New York City dermatologist who specializes in hair loss. “That’s just hair going through its cycles, and there will be a new one to replace it.”
The reason why this isn’t noticed by some people is simply because even a 100 hair loss per day is too insignificant to cause thinning of the crown hair, but for others, this doesn’t happen. When the hair ought to undergo a cycle of growth, it potential fails to occur for several reasons.

What Are The Causes Of Hair Loss?


Some certain drugs do cause hair loss and they are well documented in the potential side effects. Variety of prescription medications like blood thinners, nutritional A supplements, some rheumatoid arthritis medications, antidepressants, gout medications, medications for certain heart related illnesses, blood pressure medications, and birth control pills can potential lead to hair loss.
The Goodnews? Should a medication show sign of hair loss, you only have to inform your doctor and he could prescribe an alternate prescription medication.


Women who were just delivered of a baby could suffer from hair loss. When a woman is pregnant, it’s possible for her to have glistening, healthy hair that may seem thicker because older hair doesn’t fallout at normal levels. As soon as estrogen levels fall following childbirth, most women lose any additional hair.
This excessive hair loss occurs around three months after childbirth, and it is generally temporary. Once estrogen levels regulate itself, hair shedding will resume at normal rate.

Tyroid Disease

Thyroid disease is a hormonal problem in which the body is producing too much or too little thyroid hormone. When the thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, potentially, there is going to be a large fall out of hair.
This hair loss associated with Tyroid disease can be regulated once treatment is established.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy involves usage of ionizing radiation, generally as part of cancer treatment to control or kill malignant cells. In this case, the hair may not grow back.


The most common form of hair loss is the sort that you inherit, biologically, it is called androgenetic alopecia.
With genetic hair loss, you lose your curly hair gradually; hair loss thus increases as one ages.
Disclaimer: Information contained in this article is general in nature, it is not intended or should be construed as medical advice. If you have a specific health loss problem or require complete information. please see a dermatologist.
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