A black hole that's 30 times bigger than it should be has left scientists baffled


Scientists have all manner of ways to measure things around us in the universe, and so they can immediately notice when something doesn’t fit a pattern. A black hole in the galaxy SAGE0536AGN (we know, poetic) has defied all preconceptions about the size of a black hole relative to its galaxy.
SAGE0536AGN was initially discovered with Nasa’s Spitzer Space Telescope in infrared light, and is thought to be at least nine billion years old. It contains within it an incredibly bright object – called an active galactic nucleus – caused by gas being accumulated by a central supermassive black hole. Because of the size of the black hole, its immense gravitational field pulls the gas in at incredible speeds, causing the light to be emitted.

By measuring the speed of the gas moving around the black hole, astronomers at Keele University and the University of Central Lancashire have been able to discern its size. And it was a surprise.
The red and blue in this illustration is similar to a prism – it shows whether the light is moving to or away from us (Dana Berry/SkyWorks Digital/Nasa)
The mass of the galaxy itself has been calculated at 25 billion times the mass of the sun. But the size of the black hole was calculated at 350 million solar masses – 70 times smaller than the galaxy, but still far bigger than it should be. Thirty times bigger, to be precise.
“Galaxies have a vast mass, and so do the black holes in their cores. This one though is really too big for its boots — it simply shouldn’t be possible for it to be so large,” said Dr Jacco van Loon, an astrophysicist at Keele University and the lead author on the new paper.
So scientists are now pondering whether the black hole has been growing quicker than the galaxy, or whether the galaxy stopped growing prematurely. The galaxy was actually found by accident, so there’s a chance we could find many more like it – but until then we won’t know whether this galaxy really is as strange as it seems, or whether it’s just the first we’ve found of an entirely new breed of galaxy.
The research was published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

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