Every office has that one coworker with a “Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee” sign posted in their cubicle. In spite of the theatricality, there are a lot of coffee addicts out there who feel they cannot properly function without their morning cup of Joe. Perhaps it’s time we all try some of these caffeine-free tricks to kick start our mornings.
Caffeine is a fickle beast. We run to it first thing when we get up or during our midday slump for a pick-me-up, but we end up regretting every sip when we inevitably crash. Some people turn to green tea as a clean caffeine alternative. Not only does it provide a boost to get us through the day, but it’s also a good source of antioxidants that protect heart health.

While coffee does have its harmful side effects , including the jitters, mood changes, and potential anxiety, it also has its health benefits. Researchers from Portugal, Brazil, and the United States recently found that a cup of coffee a day can help manage stress and ward off symptoms of depression and memory loss.
Whether you never acquired the taste or are just looking for a natural way to wake yourself up in the morning, there are plenty of options other than caffeine. Boosting your focus and energy starts as early as a cold morning shower. If you find yourself slowing down throughout the day, try hydrating with water or listening to music to arouse the brain.