Top free ad sites

FREE Classified sites (some with paid option) were found to produce the above average returns in traffic, requests and orders.
Go ahead and try them out!

Probably the oldest (since 1996) and most effective classifieds site on the web. Number 1 on our Top Classifieds list. With over 1000 hits an hour placing an ad there always brought BIG results in our tests. Use their free ads or much more effective paid PRIME ADS. If you have a good product or service those Guaranteed PRIME ADS (they will run your ad till the item sells!) in all popular categories are the top choice. Rates start from $10/month to $30 for 1 full year. When you choose one year ad you will be able to edit it as often as you wish. Additional ads (when placed on the same day) are 50% off!. ($5/month to $15/year).
All free ads automatically expire after 10 days. Free ads are posted on the last page in each category, after and below all paid PRIME ADS.
    craigslist provides local classifieds and forums for jobs, housing, for sale, personals, services, local community, and events
World Free Ads
Great traffic.
Free 30 days ads in many categories.
Global and local exposure
    E-Page Classifieds
    Free classified advertising for non-commercial ads and private-party ads only.
    Business ads start at $11 a month.
    Post and find Ads, Fast and Effective.
    Free Local and Global Classifieds.
    Bestmall Classifieds
    Free 50 word ads stay listed for 30 days.
    Also, one-page Web sites are $7.50. Great, heavy traffic site.

    Free Classifieds Sites
    100% Free ads with pictures.  Very fast and simple. No registration required.
Guaranteed Cars (Automotive Ads only) !
Free Automotive local and global

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