Trump's historic moment arrives

President-elect Donald Trump has been in the spotlight for years. From developing real estate and producing and starring in TV shows, he became a celebrity long before winning the White House. 
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump will soon be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States during a historic transfer of power that encapsulates American democracy even in politically divisive times.
The 70-year-old Republican has arrived at the White House, where he was greeted at the North Portico by President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. Trump will take the oath of office on the West Front of the Capitol just before noon, swearing to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. That moment will mark the culmination of a stunning upset victory in last year's bitter presidential election.
The real estate tycoon and former reality show star will become head of state, commander in chief and the top executive of the government, shouldering the burden of keeping Americans safe at home and protecting the country's global power.
The traditions of the day began unfolding Friday morning. Trump and his family attended a private worship service at St. John's Church, known as the church of presidents. Obama wrote a letter to Trump and left it on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, as outgoing presidents typically do for their successors.
Obama left the Oval Office for the final time before welcoming the Trumps to the White House. Asked if he had any words for the American people, Obama said, "thank you."
The customs and symbolism that will play out over the course of the day -- from the President-elect's ride to the Capitol with Obama to the First Couple's dance at an inaugural ball -- will be familiar. But the circumstances of this inauguration -- the 58th in the nation's history -- could hardly be more unconventional.
When the presidential primary season began nearly a year ago, few thought Trump could survive the battle for the Republican nomination -- much less beat Hillary Clinton to win the presidency. He will be the oldest president sworn in for a first term and the first president with no previous diplomatic, political or military executive experience.
But his populist campaign deeply resonated with Americans who were fed up with Washington's political class and felt left behind in the globalizing economy. Trump offered a preview of his inaugural message during a celebratory concert on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial Thursday evening.
"I promise you that I will work so hard, we are going to get it turned around, we are going to bring our jobs back," Trump said. "We are going to build up our great military, we are going to build it up. We are going to strengthen our borders. We are going to do things that haven't been done for our country for many, many decades. It's going to change. I promise you."
On Friday morning, he heralded his inauguration in typical style -- with an early morning tweet after he waking up in Blair House, the official government residence across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House.
"It all begins today! I will see you at 11:00 A.M. for the swearing-in. THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES - THE WORK BEGINS!" Trump tweeted.

Day of ceremony

Trump began a day of ceremony Friday morning by attending the traditional inauguration day worship service. When they arrived at the White House, soon-to-be First Lady Melania Trump brought a gift for the Obamas in a blue box wrapped in a bow, which the President handed into an aide before returning for a photo.
The Obamas will soon leave the White House for the last time, accompanying the Trumps to Capitol Hill for the swearing-in ceremony. Trump will take the oath of office, led by Chief Justice John Roberts, on two Bibles, one that he used as a child and the other used by Abraham Lincoln at his first inauguration.
In what is always a poignant moment, the former president and his family will then head to Andrews Air Force base for a farewell ceremony before taking one last flight on the presidential jet. The Obamas are heading to Palm Springs, California, for a vacation.
Trump will attend a joint congressional inaugural luncheon in the Capitol before heading back to the White House for the inaugural parade. In the evening, Trump and the new first lady, Melania Trump, will attend two inaugural balls, part of the stripped down inaugural festivities that aides say are meant to stress that the new president is eager to get to work.
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