Coping with the Stigma of Schizohprenia

balled fist 

If you or a loved one has schizophrenia, you’ve probably felt the shame or stigma of the illness. Maybe others avoid you or are even scared of you because of the disease. Or maybe it’s been difficult to find work or develop relationships. It can be difficult feeling different than others. But you can take some control of the situation by learning the best ways to cope.
Make sure you understand the facts about schizophrenia. Many people have misconceptions about the illness, which drives some of the stigma.
For example, some people incorrectly think that most people with schizophrenia are violent or have a split personality. If you encounter someone who doesn’t understand the illness, gently share correct information with them.

Seek Treatment

It’s estimated that more than half of all people with mental illness in the U.S. don’t receive treatment. And of those who do seek help, up to two-thirds drop out prematurely. Experts believe that fear of stigma is one reason why they don’t get the help they need. Don’t let the stigma of schizophrenia keep you from getting diagnosed and treated. Treatment, which often includes a combination of medication and therapy, can help you feel better and reduce symptoms that interfere with your work and personal life.   

Connect for Support

Although you may feel different because of your illness, you are not alone. Millions of people in the U.S. are living with schizophrenia. Connecting with some of them can give you support and community. The National Alliance on Mental Illness provides a number of free educational and support groups.

Look to the Future

Researchers continue to learn more about schizophrenia. And they are improving therapies for the illness. There is hope for a brighter future. Continue your treatment plan and take steps to live the most productive life possible.  

Key Takeaways

  • Make sure you understand the facts about schizophrenia. If you encounter someone who doesn’t understand the illness, gently share correct information with them.
  • Don’t let the stigma of schizophrenia keep you from getting diagnosed and treated. Treatment can help you feel better and reduce symptoms. 
  • Try not to internalize the negativity you may experience from others. Remember, you are not your illness.
  • Connecting with others who have schizophrenia can give you support. Try the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

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